Participant Guidelines
The Punjabi American Festival is a non-profit, non-commercial event. The purpose of this event is to promote and preserve our rich Punjabi heritage and build bridges with other communities and cultures.
In order to accommodate the maximum amount of performers and avoid duplication, we have developed guidelines for our participants. We appreciate all performers, supporters and friends of this event. Let us work together with a team spirit to provide a high quality program. One participant is allowed to perform in only one item in same category event. ie Dances, skits etc
The following are the guidelines as set forth by the entertainment committee:
– Bulk of program is to be in Punjabi
– For children under the age of 10 the maximum time is 5 minutes; for children over 10, the maximum time is 7 minutes.
– Due to time constraints and the high number of performers, we will strictly adhere to the time limit guidelines—to avoid your music being turned off—stick to the time guidelines.
– Exceptions for time limits will be made for special pre-screened and pre-arranged items by large groups of adult performers (like Malwai Giddha, Chummar, Authentic Punjabi items)
– Each group must have at least 6 performers.
You must submit the following in advance:
– Names and ages of all participants
– Name(s) of directors
– Description of item to be performed
– The sequence (order) of performances will be predetermined by the Festival Committee in the best interest of this event and the audience
– Traditional songs are strongly encouraged. Unless traditional, commercial movie songs must be avoided.
Categories of Items for the Festival:
– Patriotic: U.S. National Anthem
– Devotional: Maximum: 5 minutes (Can be from any religious backgrounds—performers of all faiths are welcome)
– Guest Items: Performers from other cultures are welcome to perform in their tradition/language. Example: Mexican, Irish, Gujarati, or other South Asian Dances. Commercial (non traditional Bollywood movie songs) do not fit into the society’s agenda
– Classical: Bharat Nat Yam, Khataak…etc are welcome
– Educational: Skits/presentations with social themes
– Comedy/Fillers: 5 minutes.
All kind of educational Exhibitions, paintings, pictures, artifacts and booths are welcome.
Participants please contact the Punjabi American Heritage Society at YubaCityFestival@yahoo.com for more information.
**The Punjabi American Heritage Society is a non-profit organization. Any funds earned by this event will be spent on further promotion and preservation of the Punjabi culture and our community. All organizers, and vendors must purchase their own entry tickets.